Hottinger Art Collection

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WATSON C. Karima and Maryam.jpg

Project: Art for offices in London and Dublin, Sponsorship of a purchase prize at FBA Futures

Brief: An art collection in the London and Dublin offices around the themes of family and supporting emerging artists at the nascent stages of their careers.

Services: Advisory, research, procurement, framing, installation, purchase prize administration, corporate tours of FBA Futures 


Colin Watson Karima and Maryam (Dublin Office) The artist's wife and daughter in a resting pose designed to reflect the classical proportions of Madonna and child paintings over the history of art.

Peter Brown NEAC RP PS ROI Hon RBA Finnygook Beach from the Gook Cafe  A father leads his son, trailing a pink bucket down the beach on a family holiday. In the cliffs above, another parent and child wind their way down a rocky pathway. 

Benjamin Hope PS Westminster Cathedral Series (London Office) Westminster Cathedral, site of hundreds of weddings each year, is shown here from morning to night. 

Andrew Holmes Sees Shells (London Office) Part of a series centered on a bay in the Bahamas where families take their children to seek shells in the shallow waters every Sunday.

Commission by Tomi Olopade whose current work discusses the importance of hair care with Black culture. This painting features a private moment shared by mother and daughter as those skills are passed on.

Hannah Mooney Across the Lough, Swilly, Evening II, an Irish landscape associated with home and family.  Hannah won the 2018 Hottinger Award for Excellence at FBA Futures.

Works by Hannah Mooney winner of the Hottinger Prize for Excellence at FBA Futures 2018, in the Hottinger offices

Mohammed Sami, Unedited Still Life depicting the moment the Iraqi artist’s mother called her son, exiled in Europe, to tell him that his childhood friend had become a casualty of war. Mohammed's practice investigates the effect of trauma on the brain. This painting won the Hottinger Prize for Excellence at FBA Futures 2019.  

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